Giving Back

Giving back is key component of running a positive business. Many business owners are following the trend of planting a tree or several for orders placed on their websites. These trees are generally planted in areas around the world such as Kenya and Madagascar. We do wholeheartedly approve of this and it is all well and good but it is a longer term action and more distant. Having looked into this option we decided it did’t quite ring true with us and we wanted to do something more immediate and closer to home to benefit our local community. Therefore we have decided to donate a set amount from our sales orders to give to our local food banks in Redditch & Studley. We will use 2% per order of goods ordered directly on our website or in person, to purchase food items for donation to these food banks. This may not sound much but as very small family business, this what we are comfortable committing to at the moment.

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